
Client : McGill University

Date : In progress

City: Montreal

Country: Canada

Cost : $126 M

Renovation of the eastern wing, Stewart Pavilion

Renovation of the eastern wing, Stewart Pavilion

  • Project Management
  • Cost Control
  • Quantity Surveying

McGill University is undertaking a major rehabilitation program of its Stewart Pavilion for Biology, in three phases: western wing, north wing, and south wing. For this project, all efforts are concentrated in Phase 1: the complete renovation of the west wing, and its 11,082 sq. m. The two other wings will be rehabilitated in the future.

Phase 1 is subdivided in four construction packages, as follows:

  • Package 0: moving of both the Psychology and Biology departments;
  • Package 1: selective demolition and decontamination;
  • Package 2: total demolition and decontamination;
  • Package 3: reconstruction of all floors and shed-roof, and repairs to the envelope.