
Client : FPI Cominar

Date : 2019

City: Montreal

Country: Canada

Cost : $420 M

Replacement central station

Replacement central station

  • Quantity Surveying

The Central Station is located at 895, De La Gauchetiere Street West, on the heritage site of the Canadian Northern Railway station, in the hearth of Montreal’s downtown. This station is a major railroad turntable for both suburban and intercity trains.

The building was designed on two levels, due to the neighboring Mont-Royal tunnel, and the slope of nearby Sherbrooke Street. The waiting hall is at street level, and connected to the various platforms, located downstairs. The building was nominated as Designated Heritage Railway Stations in 2010.

Managed by Cominar, the complex includes:

  • 571,615 sq. ft. of Class A offices;
  • 89,018 sq. ft. of retail areas; A 1,623-spaces levelled parking;
  • A railroad station used by Exo, ViaRail and Amtrack.

Cominar needs to get an accurate replacement costs for the 2.8 M sq. ft., for insurance purposes.

This project is undertaken to calculate what could be the total reconstruction cost, taking into consideration the new 2015 rules and regulations of the Building Codes.