Our Services
Project/Construction Management
While managing projects, Macogep coordinates the professionals and the general contractors and provides all support services necessary to project management.
Project management, according world class practice, requires coordination, phasing, and relation management of each process: integration, stakeholders, scope, resources, time, costs, risks, quality.
With its multisector expertise and its extensive experience, Macogep can identify the most appropriate project management processes for any type of projects, and can determine and adapt the required type of control for the chosen management processes.
While managing construction, Macogep, through its subsidiary Construction Macogep Inc., coordinates and supervises the specialized contractors, acting as the representative of the client on the site.
We then become privileged advisers on all aspects of the construction of the project, including the particularities and requirements of the Act respecting occupational health and safety (LSST).
When assuming the construction manager responsibilities, Macogep:
- optimizes construction concept and methodologies;
- plans in detail the construction activities;
- packages construction contract lots;
- draws up lot budgets precisely;
- sets up project procurement plan;
- provides technical and clerical services for site administration;
- coordinates inspection services, project commissioning and handover;
- manages the suppliers and contractors warranties.
Macogep ensures that the work is carried out in accordance with all plans, materials and regulations to guarantee the completeness of the project design. We also ensure that all parties perform their tasks in accordance with their contract.