Our Services
Project portfolio management
Macogep assists its clients to select, within their project portfolio, the key projects that will meet their strategic goals.
Macogep applies a flexible and centralized management that will allow to structure a project portfolio comprising projects at various developing states which must be launched simultaneously.
Our experts support our clients in :
- identifying projects according to strategic goals;
- selecting and prioritizing projects depending on available resources;
- authorizing and controlling project implementation;
- maintaining project progresses within their business framework.
Macogep allows its client managers:
- To ensure to reach strategic goals;
- To assess and take hold of opportunities;
- To maximize project value by:
- Synchronizing human and financial resources allocated to projects;
- Assessing and managing project impacts on the client organization;
- Maintaining global view among projects.
In summary, Macogep assists its clients to make timely the right decision in order to implement the proper project at the right time.