
Client : Concordia University

Date : 2015

City: Montreal

Country: Canada

Cost : More than $150 M

Multifunctional Project Portfolio

Multifunctional Project Portfolio

  • Quantity Surveying

Concordia University’s real estate assets included 65 buildings located in downtown Montreal and the Notre‑Dame-de-Grace area. Some buildings relatively new, while others are over 100 years old—such as the original buildings on the Loyola Campus. Several years ago, Concordia University started renovating many of its existing buildings. The project portfolio comprised various rehabilitation or upgrades, such as:

  • Construction of a building on the Sir George Williams Campus, including classrooms and meeting spaces, a new sports complex in the basement, a shopping centre, and a daycare centre;
  • Performing major renovations at the R. Howard Webster Library;
  • Expanding the sports complex on the Loyola Campus;
  • Building stands and change rooms at the sports and recreation complex;
  • Renovating the H-110 Alumni Auditorium;
  • Transforming a portion of the Hingston building into two amphitheatres;
  • Designing therapy rooms and personal training spaces on the mezzanine level of the sports centre (underway);
  • Renovating the space dedicated to the Child Studies Centre.