Cost : $450 M

Maison de Radio-Canada (MRC)

Construction of the Maison de Radio-Canada (CBC House)

  • Cost Control

CBC/Radio-Canada, a public television network, modernized its installations in Montréal to offer its employees and public a dynamic and stimulating environment. To do so, Radio-Canada leaves its existing building, and moves into new spaces. The new CBC House is a place where passion, innovation and collaboration will express freely.

The CBC House is a building with a surface area of 420,000 sq. ft. new building will have 70% administrative spaces, 16% technical support and 14% technical rooms. It welcomed its first occupants in early 2020 in an environment that is as bright as it is sustainable.

The works include:

  • Works on the base building and fit-up of CBC/Radio-Canada spaces;
  • Installation of tele distribution and transport equipment infrastructures, television and radio studios, control rooms and multi-platform rooms, all to be done by Radio-Canada.