
Client : Université de Montréal

Date : 2019

City: Saint-Hyacinthe

Country: Canada

Cost : $150 M

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Construction and rehabilitation, Saint-Hyacinthe veterinary faculty

  • Project Management
  • Time Management

The Veterinary Faculty of Université de Montréal (Montreal University) is located in Saint-Hyacinthe, 60 km away from Montreal, and in the heart of a major agro-food sector in the province of Quebec. It is the only veterinary faculty in the province, and the only French-Speaking veterinary faculty in North-America.

The construction and rehabilitation project included the construction of the Animal Infectious Disease Integral Centre: research labs ($13 M), rehabilitation of the animal facilities and related labs ($1.5 M), and the rehabilitation of the anatomy lab ($500 K).

The project was funded by government funding: the Strategic Investment Fund, and the Quebec Education and Superior Education Department, which required an extremely strict schedule.

This project was completed in two packages:

  • Package 1 : demolition of existing facilities at level 1, and reinforcement with piling;
  • Package 2 : supply and installation of the steel structure, construction of a shed-roof for mechanical systems, and fit-up of labs.