
Client : Québecor Média inc.

Date : 2016

City: Quebec

Country: Canada

Cost : $500 M

Construction and fit-up of QMI exclusive spaces – Videotron Centre

Construction and fit-up of QMI exclusive spaces - Videotron Centre

  • Scope Management
  • Project Management
  • Cost Control

Quebec City is building a new state-of-the-art multifunction amphitheatre, to host a new NHL professional hockey team, and help the City become a first choice venue for show producers. This amphitheatre will be operated by Québecor Média Inc.,. who will benefit from exclusive spaces at the base building level. QMI is also project owner for the interior design of those spaces, which include:

  • A business center to host the NHL team offices, executive offices, and a conference room;
  • A sports and gastronomy restaurant, along with a sports bar;
  • A production studio and a control room for TVA television station;
  • The Salon des Anciens (Helders’ room) and the Salon des familles (Family Room);
  • Lockers for the NHL team;
  • Official NHL boutique and satellites.