
Client : Société de transport de l'Outaouais

Date : 2014

City: Gatineau

Country: Canada

Cost : $255 M

Construction of a bus rapid transit system (rapibus)

Construction of a bus rapid transit system (rapibus)

  • Project Management
  • Construction Management
  • Cost Control
  • Implementation Strategies

The Rapibus is a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system developed on exclusive lanes over a distance of more than 12 kilometres, the length of the existing railroad. The Rapibus is synonymous with sustainable mobility and traffic flow in the area. It is designed to allow users to combine the use of bicycles and buses. The project plans involved:

  • development of ten stations with safe, comfortable and attractive platforms with shelters designed for user comfort;  
  • development of 10.7 kilometer of additional bike paths along the length of the rail corridor;
  • construction of two new incentive parking lots with more than 700 additional spaces;
  • integration of universal accessibility features to facilitate the use of public transit by persons with reduced mobility;
  • installation of a security camera network;
  • safety planning for pedestrian and bicycle crossings using signage and appropriate pavement markets.